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The Costs of Poverty to Saskatchewan: Why Do They Matter and How Do We Calculate Them? (QI Power Hour)

Date & Time
September 6, 2019 9:30 am-10:30 am CST
Event Host
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Guest speaker

Charles Plante, University of Saskatchewan

Session description

Poverty is not just costly to the poor but also to our province as a whole. In 2014, the Poverty Costs Saskatchewan campaign calculated these costs and rallied public support behind our province’s first provincial poverty reduction strategy. In this webinar, Charles Plante presents on why the costs of poverty are so important and describe how they are calculated. For example, our latest estimates for Saskatchewan indicate that the health-related costs of poverty alone are in excess of $300 million. The total cost from all sources is nearly $3.5 billion or more than 4% of provincial GDP. 

In this webinar you will learn:

  • the rationale for undertaking the Cost of Poverty report in Saskatchewan
  • the economic argument for addressing poverty in Saskatchewan
  • how the information generated is helping to inform changes in both policy and practices
Watch the recording